About Us
To God be the glory...great things He has done!
The name Presbyterian derives from the Greek word Presbuteros. This signifies Elder,
which is one element of our form of government. The Pastor is the Teaching Elder,
while laymen and women serve as Ruling Elders. The governing board of Elders, the
Session, is moderated by the Pastor. This congregation is part of the Presbytery
of Kendall (Southern Idaho), the Synod of the Pacific.
Some Key Presbyterian Beliefs
The Godhead of the Trinity
One God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One Substance, Three Persons.
The Providence of God
God is working out His will in the world in the present and future.
The Election of God
God moves in the heart, mind, and soul to lead believers in Jesus Christ to place
faith in Him.
Our Mission Statement
- To proclaim the Word of God to its members.
- To be a place where the community at large is invited to hear God's Word and join
in fellowship with the members in the worship of God.
- To minister to its members in time of sorrow, illness, hurt, confusion, or uncertainty
and encourage their faith in God, and His son Jesus Christ, during these troubling
- To be a haven for the larger community, where people who are troubled can receive
support, encouragement, and be led to faith in God and our savior, Jesus Christ.
- To joyfully worship God together, to encourage youth and young adult members to
come together with older members to get to know each other, and to develop mutual
- To be known outside of our membership as a place where people of all ages can come
together and find meaningful worship of God.
In these days of confusion in our society about what is morally good and right and true; the Session of this congregation unanimously affirms the following beliefs which we publicly profess:
- That Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the only way of salvation.
- That Holy Scripture (the Bible) is the Triune God's revealed Word, the church's
only infallible rule of faith and life.
- That God's people are called to holiness in all aspects of life. This includes honoring
the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.